After the successful first British Society for Nanomedicine (BSNM) Early Career Researchers Meeting (ECRM) at Liverpool in 2015, Edyta and Adam were excited to attend the BSNM ECRM 2016 in Swansea. Adam presented an oral presentation on nanogel-nanoparticle composites for drug delivery, and Edyta presented a poster presentation on novel characterisation techniques to enable nanomedicine design, including asymmetrical field-flow field fractionation. A wide variety of work was presented covering Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Pharmacology, representing the multidisciplinary nature of Nanomedicine. Of particular interest was the work from Pharmacologists, which demonstrated how a variety of nanomedicines move through various stages of biological testing, which will help inform us on the initial design of materials in our lab. Another highlight was the poster session, breakfast was provided in the poster room, to encourage engagement between delegates, and judges made an effort to make sure every poster presenter got a chance to present their work in depth.